I take it that I get smarter every week, even if nothing out of the ordinary happened, I still learn something, or I make new friends. The past week was no exception. I was reminded that I have a body, and if I mistreat it, I have to bare the consequences; all of which means that my back was hurting all week. Last Saturday when it started, Helen gave me a great massage, and that really helped for a day or two,
just long enough to enjoy Aariel's party. Patricia and I went to see Aariel and Ryan at there new place in Huntington Beach.
Back at work, I started to get some systems in place for GENI's upcoming move; we are not sure where to.
On our days off, Patricia and I worked in the garden, Patricia is planing to plant some more wild flowers, and so she has to get rid of the weeds first, and she does it with so much energy and persistence.
The property looks nice and green at the moment. We have had lots of rain this year, and Michal was on top of cutting the stuff regularly. |
Nice of him to leave some for me. I just love how this gives my legs a great green color.
And it is all for a good cause. We have our sign out again, and that means that there is a party coming up. Now we are looking forward to a relaxing weekend. |
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