Patricia had 12 Interns from France come in for the summer and this was fun, new faces and lots of activity at the office. I think this coming week we get into a routine, after they all found somewhere to live in San Diego.

Yesterday Michal, David and I got the yard cleand up and most of the Biergarten ready for the opening on the 20th of this month.
Last night we went to a great party for Ashley's birthday, there was great live music and dancing, not for me, remember my war wound. Ashley still looks like 35 and not a day older and we still have not figured out where sch gets her energy from.
Today was a bit of a quiet day, I did some chating with Eva in

Stuttgart and some more cleaning the yard. Then we started our Wine tasting, we did six lots last year, and now is the time to what turned out and what we have to let go. from the left to the right you have Apple, Pricklypaer, another Pricklypaer, Strawberry, and last but not least our favorite the Banana wine.
Patricia did lots of cooking for the week and then we started to teats our wines from last year.
Right now Patricia is in the garden watering the veggies and then it is time to watch the second game LAL against the Boston Seltics, the Lakers won the first game so we will see what this one
will be like.
Roger end of week.
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