Getting frustrated and don't know what to do. I apply for jobs, not even jobs I could do easily, just jobs like stocking shelf's in a store, or doing just about anything someone wants me to do.
As a live saver I have GENI, there I get to do a few hours work that may make a difference.
Getting to work on GENI's website, and suggesting this and that at times makes me feel that my days are not completely wasted. Mind you I have been told by EDD that I can not volunteer, as it will take time away from looking for jobs. They are forgetting that I need to stay in touch with what's going on in the business world as I am looking for work.
It takes quit an effort to check out the job listings every day and then applying all over the Internet or by phone, I am just at the point where I doubt that the Internet was such a great idea, as you get never to see anyone anymore, you fill out a ton of forms, send them of and never hear from them again.
So As you can imagine I am eating lots of chocolate to keep up my spirits.
The Employment Department (EDD) does not help me very much either, I suspect that they have a lot on there hands, and it is very tiring to sit and try to reach anyone on the phone, (which I have not managed so far in the last two years) or try to contact them via e-mail, you wait for ever to get a replay, and when you do get one there is no way to respond.
So for the time I am stuck and if anyone can come up with a moneymaking good for the community idea lets talk about it, I get tunes of e-mails that offer jobs from home, one hour a week making $500.00, for what? That is not it.
I may just have to send my acknowledgment to this banker in London who is holding a million bucks for me in a Nigerian bank account, just waiting to be picked up.
I suppose the only thing that really counts in live is, that the silver is polished and the taxes are payed.
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