Friday, July 26, 2013

Farmers Markets beucoup

We are having a great time visiting Farmer's Markets around the area. Today was the market in Nyons. While Selina shops, Patricia takes her photographs, which means shopping takes twice as long; the results, however, will be totally captivating in both ways, Selina's food and Patricia's pictures.
Mouth watering figs

An amazing variety of sausages

Every market has its Paella

Garlic in great abundance and a boy showing off

This is a major olive growing area

Fresh bread, anyone?

Sweet cantelope

Puff pastry, tapenade, cheese, tomato and basil grilled; yum

Olive oil, olives, tapenades right from this area

Love her mauve blouse for selling lavender bouquets

Bulk spices by the bag full

Local residence overseeing the market in the plaza

Olive oil soaps

Du fromage, madame?

Selina's favorite cheese, Morbier. Delicious

And provided by her special 'bio' merchant

Colorful seafood presentation with a huge variety

Great mural of a classic old Citroen

Olive cultivation areas around the Mediterranean

Once finished with the market, we went to an Olive Museum to discover how Olive Oil and all its other products are made - very educational.  I am happy I could do this now and not when I was in school, otherwise the teacher would have made me write a report. Oh, dang, this is what I am doing now.
Ancient olive press
Olive product and gift packages

Old fashion olive picking ladders

Olive Oil

And after a long day, Selina sets a beautiful table with organic (bio) foods from the region
Thank you Patricia for always editing the blog and sharing some of your pictures.


  1. This is getting a bit torturous.
    Please, don't stop!

  2. You two are having way too much fun!! Miss you. Marion
