Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Getting better

Well it took some time for my back to improve, but now I can tie my shoes again, and I have found out what I may have to look forward to in coming years. Now I will be able to update my blog in the next few days, I had made a Black Forest Torte last week and we also had a great party for Michal Birthday, all of this is upcoming in the next few days. Tonight I am very thankful to have a great home, because it is pissing down like it has not for a long time. Last Friday Helen and Michal left for a Cruise in the Karibik and in the meantime David is staying at the house. Last Saturday I got some help working in the garden from Alvaro and Mario, and they will be coming next Saturday again to clean up a bit more, I do have to say the weeds are coming out in force. This is a good one Patricia found on the net. DEBORAH AMOS, host: Good morning. I'm Deb Amos. The Church of England proclaims blessed be thy 3G network. During a service yesterday in London, the Reverend Canon David Parrott blessed all kinds of electronic gadgetry a modern take on a prayer for laborers that dates to Medieval times. Then - plows and hammers. Now - smart phones and laptops. And the blessing: May our tongues be gentle, our emails be simple and our Web sites be accessible. It's MORNING EDITION.

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